Additional charts


Sankey chart

  1. In the right corner, select Add > Add visual.
  2. At the bottom right corner of Visual types, select Sankey Diagram.
  3. In the Fiels list, select Region, and Sales.
  4. Rename the chart to Sales Sankey.


Sales Map

  1. In the right corner, select Add > Add visual.
  2. At the bottom right corner of Visual types, select Points on map.
  3. In the Fields list, select Country, and Sales.
  4. Rename the chart to Sales by Country.


  1. Select the gear icon in the right corner of the chart, select Tooltip, change the type to Detailed tooltip, and select Add field.


  1. In the Field section, select Contact Name; Label entry - enter # of Users; Displayed value - select Count distinct.

  2. Select Save to apply.


  1. Now, when you hover over the country you want to see, you can see the number of customers in each country.