KPI and Insights


KPI chart

  1. To add a new chart, select Add > Add visual.


  1. In the bottom corner of the screen, change the Visual types to Key Performance Indicator (KPI).


  1. In the Fields list, select Sales and Order Date. AWS

  2. In the Field wells section, select the arrow at Order Date > Aggregate: Day > Year to change the comparison time based on each year.


  1. Hover the mouse on the small square icon below the chart, left-click and drag up to reduce the chart size.


Useful insights

QuickSight provides self-generating insights thanks to QuickSight’s Machine learning technology. The results are based on the data in the dataset.

  1. Make sure the KPI chart is in the active state (with a green border around it), you can click inside the chart to switch to the active state for that chart.
  • In the left navigation bar, Click Insights.


  1. Move the mouse to the position as shown below, and the + icon will appear.
  • Click + in the right corner of Insights MONTH OVER MONTH.


  1. Insight information is shown in a new chart.


  1. Do the same to add Insight Forecast.


  1. Insight information is shown in a new chart.


  1. Resize the chart to fit the dashboard.
  • You can move the chart position by clicking on the chart border and dragging the mouse to move the chart to the desired position.


  1. You can collect calls if your data is too long. In the Field wells section, select the arrow in Sales > Format > select the appropriate format (eg 1,234.57).